about the author

My name is Shane Hodges. I grew up in a town of seventy people in Nebraska. Generally speaking, I had a pretty good childhood; Lots of friends, a loving family, and a kick-ass black and gold BMX bike! I was livin’ large!

Then, at ten years old, I started to feel like I couldn’t be myself. The first thing to trigger my inauthenticity was realizing I was gay. Back then, this just wasn’t “acceptable”, so I kept it to myself. At fourteen, I started high school. In addition to hiding my Homosexuality , I now also felt overwhelming pressure to fit in. I worried about my hair, my clothes, and whether or not I was making the right choices. I was too scared to let people know the real me. Once I started college, I felt a bit more freedom to be myself, but I still wasn’t out about being gay. I continued trying to convince myself I was straight…as if it were a choice! After coming out at twenty-three, there was some relief. Unfortunately, by that time I had become a people-pleaser with no boundaries who was still afraid of people not liking me. So, the inauthenticity continued. 

Finally, around the age of forty, I realized I really hated the feeling that came with being anything other than myself. I refer to it as “The Ick” and I remember it feeling gross and oppressive. So, from that point on, I challenged myself to be as authentic as possible in any situation; even if it resulted in someone not liking me! That was hard.

Now, as a man in his late forties, I can say I am pretty damn authentic. I rarely worry about what others think of me, I’ve created and maintained healthy boundaries for myself, and I continue to push myself toward positive evolution and growth. It’s been a long and rocky road getting here, but it’s all been worth it. I am happy, successful, and living the life I want to live…and it feels AMAZING!

I believe YOU can get here too…IF you are willing to put in the work. 

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